Sunday, April 21, 2019

5 DIY Cleaning Secrets from Experts

Let’s just face it; stains and carpets go together.  Even if you are able to take extra care of your carpet all the time, they eventually end up bearing the stiff spots and everything attached at the bottom of our shoes. While a lot of us do believe that carpets are hard to clean and we wait for the right time to hire a professional carpet cleaning company in Orange CA, there are a few expert tips shared by masters of carpet cleaning that can save you from the trouble.

1) Blot The Stains

Once you put the cleaning solution on a cloth or sponge, just smudge it against the stain as blotting puts less pressure on the stain when compared to rubbing.

When you rub, the particles of stain get inside the carpet fibers and weakens them to a point that the fibers start to break up.

2) The Magic of Club Soda

Yes, you can remove wine and beer spots with the help of club soda.

All you have to do is mix one part white vinegar with one part water and pour it into a spray bottle. Then, gently spray the solution on stained area and leave the piece of carpet alone to dry for 10-15 mins.

After that take a sponge and press it on to the affected side. By doing so, you will be able to soak up the solution and the stain. Repeat the process for as long as the stain is completely gone.

Once stain goes away, rinse the spot with warm water and later brush the carpet strands into their natural direction. As a final step, place paper towels above the area along with something heavy placed on top of it. This will absorb the dampness of carpet within a day.

3) Shaving Cream

Forget the carpet steam cleaner. Your shaving cream can also be the best solution to remove any kind of stain from your carpet.

For the desired results, apply the shaving cream directly to the stain and leave it alone for 30 mins. Then, take a white dry cloth and wipe the cream away. Also spray the area with club soda solution.

4) Freeze Dried Gum

Normally, chewing gums are considered to be the worst enemy of any carpet. But you can remove them with just two ice cubes and within 30 seconds only.  To get the sticky chewing gum cleaned from your apartment’s carpet, place tow ice cubes close to the gum and once it freezes, lift the glob with a spoon and cut the attached strands of carpet carefully.

5) Grease vs. Dishwasher Detergent

If you have tried every other carpet stain remover and nothing is working against that tough grease stain, then it’s time to use a drop or two of dish washing detergent. It'll rip away the grease stuck in your carpet if you just spray the solution on the stain and bolt it up.

While all the DIY expert tricks can beat any kind of stain left on your carpet, it is also important that you try to clean the place as soon as possible because the toughness of stain also depends on its duration as well.

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