Friday, March 15, 2019

8 Visible Signs That Your Carpet Needs Professional Cleaning

Imagine that you have friends invited over to your house for a dinner party. The whole evening is spent in the kitchen preparing the flavorful chicken fajita, Cobb salad, and chocolate cake for your guests.

Your friends come over and just as they enter your room they comment on the foul smell coming from your carpet. Instead of enjoying the appraisal of your cooking expertise you have to face a devastating embarrassment.  Dreadful procrastination!!

To save yourself from such a nightmare, look for any of the following 8 visible signs your carpet must be given if it needs cleaning. And call for professional carpet cleaning companies at Fort Mill SC to have a spotless carpet.

1. Unpleasant Odor

If it has been a long time since you had a professional cleaning of your carpet, your nose will detect it. It’s not technically “visible” but it is a strong sign. Carpets start giving unsavory odors with the passage of time. Microorganisms residing in the fabric of your carpet produce certain chemicals with funky odors. It is a serious warning to get your carpet rinsed and washed properly.

2. Persistent Stains

Some of the carpet stains can be effectively removed if treated within time but a lot of them tend to stay for a longer period of time. Stubborn stains such as of wine, chocolate or the shimmery lip-gloss are a nightmare for every property owner. If all of your attempts on removing them go in vain, opt for commercial cleaning.

3. Sticky Clumps

If you have been delaying carpet cleaning services for a long period of time, the grime can build up to form sticky clumps on your carpet. Now there is no more room for waiting. Get it done.

4. Hardened Fabric

Your carpet keeps soaking occasional minor spills of fluids such as milk, wine, and juices. The moisture gets absorbed but turns sticky for the dust particles. The formation of thick crust at various spots can cause hardening of the carpet fabric. This is a clear sign that carpet cleaning services are due.

5. Discoloration

You may observe that certain patches of your carpet have gone a few shades darker than the whole piece. This can be due to the extended use of carpet without proper washing. Inspect all the rooms in the proper light to look for discoloration. In severe cases, you can even see dark lines appearing at the edges near walls or doors. It is simply best to leave it to the professionals to even out tones of your carpet decor.

6. Mold Growth

The black, brown, gray or green patches of molds are a common sign of damage caused by water. If you get to see mold growth on your carpets it’s recommended to get your carpet cleaned or replaced as soon as possible. As it is not just unpleasant to look at, it has serious health hazards.

7. Frequent Allergic Reactions

As soon as you enter your living room, you start sneezing and coughing. Or even if you observe a mini-outbreak of allergies in your home, turn to the nearest professional carpet cleaners. Dander and allergens tend to accumulate in the fibers of carpet which can elicit allergic reactions.

8. Skin Irritation

The last, but not the least, important piece of evidence is the appearance of red patches on your skin. Dirty carpets are breeding homes for bacteria responsible for skin irritation.

If any of the above-mentioned sign is there, avoid further delays and hire carpet cleaning contractors at Fort Mill SC for satisfactory services.

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